字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>整車的英文翻譯


拼音:zhěng chē


【經】 carload


  1. 進行了10W/40 SJ神龍專用油行車試驗,通過監測潤滑油油樣衰變、測試整車性能以及最終拆檢發動機等3個不同側面,考察、評價了油品在實際行車條件下的使用性能。
    The road test of 10W/40 SJ Citroen appropriative oil has been carried out.
  2. DMU整車驗收的方法
    Method of DMU Vehicle Check-accept
  3. 燃料電池汽車整車控制器電磁兼容性研究與試驗
    The EMC Theory Study and Test of VMS Controller in FCV-Fuel Cell Vehicle
  4. 整車精緻工藝質量改進跟蹤。
    Vehicle craftsmanship quality improvement following-up.
  5. 負責組織並實施整車精緻工藝評價。
    To organize and conduct the vehicle craftsmanship evaluation.
  6. 利用剛彈耦合模型進行整車振動的仿真計算
    The Simulation of Complete Vehicle Vibration with REC Model
  7. 其產品主要為汽車整車企業配套。
    It mainly supplies to carmakers.
  8. 供應鏈環境下整車製造企業的採購管理研究
    Purchasing Management Study of Supply Chain for Automobile Company
