拼音:zhèng cè英文解釋:
policy【經】 policy
國家、政黨為實現一定的政治路線而制定的行動準則 >>查看“政策”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tack 2.adhocery例句:
- 政府正在實施一項新的幫助失業者的政策。The government is implementing a new policy to help the unemployed.
- 你知道今年的經濟政策嗎?Do you know the economic policy of this year?
- 這項政策不會受到選民的歡迎。This policy will not appeal to the voters.
- 那項政策經修改後才獲得委員會同意。The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a modified form.
- 我們需要一個更為靈活的外交政策。We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.
- 我們正努力對政府的財政政策進行全面的了解。We are trying to get a thorough understanding of the government's fiscal policy.
- 美國外交政策取決於聯邦政府,聯邦法律由國會制定。In the USA foreign policy is decided by the federal government and federal laws are made by Congress.
- 政府堅持自己的政策。The government stood pat in its policy.