拼音:zhèng shì英文解釋:
government affair中文解釋:
政府施政的事務過問政事 >>查看“政事”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 人民支持市長,所以他能就市政事務發號施令。The people supported the mayor, so he could called the tune in city matters.
- 一個從事行政事務中的公共職員。a public official who is a member of the civil service
- 研究內政事務的社會科學。the social science of municipal affairs.
- (二)管理各項行政事務;(2) To conduct administrative affairs;
- 一個從事行政事務中的公共職員。a public official who is a member of the civil service.
- 她全權負責一切有關家務的財政事宜。She is in complete charge of all monetary matter affecting the household.