detect; investigate; scout中文解釋:
偵 (偵) zhēn 探聽,暗中察看:偵探(a.暗中探尋機密或心情;b.做偵察...>>查看“偵”在國語字典中的解釋
- 這兩個偵察兵同軍官們會面談論行軍計畫。The two scouts met with the officers to talk about plan for the march.
- 偵探所a detective agency
- 這個偵探反覆琢磨想弄明白那個竊賊是怎樣逃跑的。The detective tried to reason out how the thief have escape.
- 一支巡邏隊被派去執行偵察任務。A patrol was sent on reconnaissance.
- 我喜歡看偵探小說。I enjoy reading detective stories.
- 暗殺銀行家的密謀被警方偵破了。A plot to assassinate the banker has been uncovered by the police.
- 我對偵探小說感興趣。I was interested in detective stories.
- 在偵察隊服役三個月的飛行員a pilot who spent three months on recce