拼音:zhāo mù英文解釋:
conscribe; recruit【經】 recruitment
徵召募集招募賢士 >>查看“招募”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.recruit 2.conscribe 3.recruitment中英例句:
- 現正在招募空軍。Now, men are enlisting for the air force.
- 我們難以招募到素質好的職員。We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.
- 投票通過立即招募30萬軍隊。It voted to raise300000 troops immediately.
- 為什麼我要派個小男孩前去招募野蠻人?Why did I send a young boy to enlist the Barbarians?
- 我們難以招募到素質好的職員。We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.
- 大多數工人都會在本地招募。Most of the workers will be recruited locally.
- 招募入伍enlist sb. for the army
- 代表招募新兵的軍官。a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits