拼音:zhàng dān英文翻譯
【經】 accountant bill相關詞條:
- 這賬單簡直令人頭暈目眩。他真懷疑自己是否能付清賬單。又是租金,又是稅款,又是服務費。The bill is blinder. He doubted very much if he'd ever get over the bill. Rents for this, taxes for that, services for the other.
- 旅館賬單也許高達500英鎊。The hotel bill might run up to£500.
- 我已經不再關心怎樣去支付賬單了。I've got past caring how to pay the bills.
- 請把賬單給我好嗎?Could I have the bill, please?