拼音:zhàn dòu英文解釋:
battle; battlecombat; combat; fight; war; warfare; warrior【經】 combat
(1) (2) 敵對雙方進行武裝衝突;作戰戰鬥之事。——宋· 蘇軾《教戰守》激... >>查看“戰鬥”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.minitancy 2.minitance 3.whistle 4.war 5.wrestle 6.warrior 7.combat 8.fought 9.fight 10.combatwith 11.fighting 12.warfare 13.warring 14.action例句:
- 機場附近的戰鬥持續了一個星期,敵軍才被擊潰。The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy was defeated.
- 那裡的人民正在為擺脫外國統治爭取自由而戰鬥。The people there are fighting to gain their freedom from foreign control.
- 他號召部下戰鬥。He summoned his soldiers to fight.
- 士兵在那場戰鬥中用盡了所有的彈藥。The soldiers expended all their ammunition in that fight.
- 古代的戰士們通常用長矛和盾牌戰鬥。Soldiers in ancient time usually fight with pikes and shields.
- 愛國者在自由的旗幟下戰鬥。The patriots fought under the banner of freedom.
- 戰士們經過一個月的戰鬥已筋疲力盡。The combatants were exhausted after a month's fight.