拼音:zèng yǔ英文解釋:
bestowal; presentation【經】 gift
贈送;法律上指把自己的財產無條件地轉移給他人;作為經濟上的援助所給與的貨幣或財產... >>查看“贈與”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 信任、捐贈與非營利組織的信息披露Confidence, Endowment and Information Opening of NPO
- 明示信託因財產贈與人的有目的的行為而設立。An express trust is created by the intentional act of a settlor.
- 贈與配偶的禮物是免稅的,這是一個天衣無縫的法律漏洞。The tax-free gift to the spouse is a perfectly legal loophole
- 贈與值得讚許的女士的。Voiders - Given to gentlewomen who have deserved highly.
- 關於贈與成份GE的三個問題SThree Problems on GE of Grant Element
- 遺贈的財產贈與財產或土地The property or lands so transmitted or given.
- 他立遺囑贈與兒子鉅額的財產。He bequeathed his son a great fortune
- 贈與配偶的禮物是免稅的,這是一個天衣無縫的法律漏洞。The tax-free gift to the spouse is a perfectly legal loophole.