拼音:zèng yǔ 英文解釋:
confer; gift
送財物或他物給人。亦指贈給的財物等。《新唐書·突厥傳下》:“ 高祖 初即位,與... >>
查看“贈予”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
confer 2.
conferrable 例句:
- 日本現行遺產贈予稅制的啟示
Enlightments of Japanese Current inheritance grant duty system
- 企求的禮物是償付,不是贈予。
A gift much expected is paid, not given
- 她贈予我一份很好的禮物。
She gave me a handsome present .
- 題贈通常以書或藝術品作為非正式的贈予
The usually informal dedication of a book or an artistic work.
- 他寧可贈予朋友也不給家裡人。
He gave to his friends what he denned to his family.
- 慈善業完全依靠全體基督徒的慷慨贈予。
The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty.
- 上帝的仁慈和恩典神賜予人的愛和無償贈予的保護
Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.
- 她贈予我一份很好的禮物。
She gave me a handsome present