拼音:zàn zhù de英文解釋:
【法】 friendly例句:
- 只要是任何值得贊助的事業向我們求援,我們肯定會慷慨解囊。If any deserving cause appealed to us for help, you could always be sure we would do the handsome.
- 這項工程是由慈善基金機構贊助的。The project is financed by a charitable trust
- 一項政府贊助的計畫a plan under government auspice
- 贊助的行為(在權力或財政上)。the act of sponsoring (either officially or financially).
- 在汽車中提供贊助的裝置。any installation designed to accommodate patrons in their automobiles.
- 之後返回葡萄牙在里斯本做一些贊助的事情。And then back to Portugal to do sponsors things in Lisbon.