拼音:zàn sòng 英文解釋:
credit; eulogize; extol
讚美歌頌極口讚頌 >>
查看“讚頌”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
credit(CR;CRD) 2.
encomium 3.
eulogium 4.
extoll 例句:
- 詩人們讚頌國王,歌頌他的英勇業績。
Poets sang the king's praises; they sang of his brave deeds.
- 讚頌,頌揚對神、統治者或英雄的頌揚或褒獎
The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero
- 這位女部長達成了一項和平協定後,沉浸在一片讚頌聲中。
The minister was bathed in glory when she arranged a peaceful settlement
- 對上帝呼喊、歌唱和讚頌的用語。
a shout or song of praise to God.
- 我們讚頌海鷗的勇敢。
We praised the courage of the seagull.
- 讚賞精心的讚美或稱讚;讚頌
Elaborate praise or laudation; an encomium.