拼音:zàn měi 英文解釋:
admire; eulogize; glorify; laud; magnify; praise
讚揚歌頌讚美幸福的生活 >>
查看“讚美”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
extol 2.
laudation 3.
laud 4.
throwbouquetat 5.
inadmirationof 6.
plaudit 7.
roose 8.
glorify 9.
extoll 10.
encomium 11.
sing 12.
celebration 13.
cult 14.
cultus 15.
glorification 16.
magnify 相關對話:
- 我的心讚美上主的偉大。
My soul doth magnify the Lord.
- 他沒注意到她的讚美。
He does not pay attention her praising.
- 他的批評者多,而讚美者少。
His critics are many and his admirers (are) few.
- 我不得不讚美他的計畫。
I cannot but admire his wise plan.
- 他因盡力幫助窮人受到了讚美。
He is praised for his being all for helping the poor.
- 她的英文說得好極了,她的朋友都讚美不已。
She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with admiration.
- 讚美有時真讓人感到振奮。
Praise can be a fine tonic.