拼音:zài zhě英文解釋:
into the bargain【經】 postscript
(1) ∶除了前面提列過的以外(2) ∶另外;此外這字號裡面,你也是個東家,所以... >>查看“再者”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 再者,以市場為導向的方法也可能走向毀滅的極端。Again the market-led approach can be taken to damaging extremes.
- 這幢房子價錢太貴,再者地腳也不好。The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable position
- 再者,每次我試圖逗孩子們開心,我總是被我先生比下去。Besides, every time I try, I am constantly outdone by my husband.
- 再者,也沒有出現惱人的副作用。Moreover, the vaccine had no troubling side effects.
- 再者我也不好意思叫僕人看見。”besides I should be ashamed for my servants to see it.
- 19再者,我當服事誰呢?Furthermore, whom should I serve?