字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>再一次的英文翻譯


拼音:zài yī cì


again; once again; once more
【電】 for-next


  1. 你必須再一次檢查你的眼睛。
    You are mandatory to re-examine your eyes.
  2. 我希望我們)再一次有一天的會.
    I hope we)meet again someday.
  3. 內戰的可怕陰影再一次籠罩這個國家。
    The terrible specter of civil war hung over the country once again.
  4. 對於行李延誤給您帶來的不便,我們再一次表示抱歉。
    We apologize again that the delayed baggage caused so much inconvenience.
  5. 再一次對他感到失望。
    I was disappointed with him again.
  6. 我們可以再一次看到倉促作出決定的後果.
    Yet again we can see the results of hasty decision-making.
  7. 再一次感謝您邀請我們,實在太好了。
    Thanks again. It really is very kind of you to invite us.
  8. 我的球員們再一次展示了我們是一支有尊嚴的球隊。
    My lads showed we have a decent team again
