拼音:zāi hài英文解釋:
calamity; disaster【機】 accident
旱、澇、蟲、雹、戰爭、瘟疫、等造成的禍害自然災害 >>查看“災害”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.suffering 2.debacle 3.fatality 4.maelstrom中英例句:
- 天亮時我們可以看到風暴造成的災害。At first light, we could see the damage the storm had caused.
- “中尺度災害天氣夏季講習班”成功舉辦Summer School on Mesoscale Disastrous Weather Held Successfully
- 他們記錄地震所引發的災害。They kept a record of earthquake disasters
- 醫治了自然災害的創傷Was hospitalized for the effects of exposure.
- 3.災害的社會經濟根源。3. Social and economic root cause of disaster.
- 膨脹土引起的工程災害及其教訓——蘇丹國的情況Damage to engineering by expansive soils and its lessons in Sudan