字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>災難的英文翻譯


拼音:zāi nàn


disaster; calamity; bale; blue ruin; grief; ill; mischance; suffering
【法】 misadventure; tragedy; visitation of providence


1.mucker  2.mishanter  3.mischance  4.tragedy  5.cataclysm  6.blueruin  7.calamity  8.trial  9.balefulness  10.adversity  11.tribulation  12.misadventure  13.misventure  14.bale  15.calamitousness  


  1. 這一災難被視為上天的懲罰
    The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.
  2. 他的患病給我們的計畫帶來災難
    His illness was fatal to our plan.
  3. 這場災難過後,許多人既沒有食物又沒有住處。
    After the disaster there were many who wanted food and shelter.
  4. 這次災難中有五十多人喪生。
    More than 50 people were killed in this calamity.
  5. 舊金山地震是世紀性的災難之一
    The San Francisco earthquake was one of the worst catastrophes of the century.
  6. 這次地震是個可怕災難
    The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.
  7. 這件災難使他對信仰發生了動搖。
    The disaster caused him to waver in his faith.
  8. 他們把國家帶入了經濟災難中。
    They had led the country into economic disaster.


災難的意思 自然的或人為的嚴重損害洪水帶來的災難詳細解釋亦作“災難”。災禍造成的苦難;災禍。《晉書·劉喬傳》:“災難延於宗子,權柄隆於朝廷。” 南朝 梁 沉約 《法王寺碑》:“往劫將謝,災難孔多。” 唐 元
