拼音:yùn qì英文翻譯
cess; fate; fortune; hap; lot; lottery; luck; star
cess 2.
lot 3.
hap 4.
star 5.
fortune 6.
fate 7.
lottery 8.
mazel 例句:
- 他去芝加哥的世界博覽會去碰碰運氣。
He went to Chicago to try his luck in the World's Fair.
- 這些天我運氣好,一切都進行得很順利。
I am in luck these days and everything goes well.
- 這兄弟倆決定去美國碰碰運氣。
These two brothers decided to go to America to try their fortunes.
- 他們羨慕他的好運氣。
They envy him his good fortune.
- 他的成功主要靠運氣。
His success was largely due to luck.
- 他來到北京,想碰碰運氣。
He came to Beijing to try his luck.
- 他乾任何事情運氣都好。
He had wonderful luck in all his ventures.
- 與其說成功在於運氣不如說是辛勤努力。
Success lies not so much as in luck as in hard work.
運氣的意思 命運;氣數行獵中有幾個小隊運氣不錯詳細解釋.指
物質本原及其自然現象。古人有“五運六氣”之說,五運即金、木、水、火、土五行,六氣指風、寒、熱、暑、燥、火。 漢 王充 《論衡·明雩》:“夫天之