
拼音:yú kuài de


happy; jolly; merry; cheerful; agreeable; amused; entertaining; gladsome


1.pleasant  2.jolly  3.mirthful  4.jocund  5.raughty  6.pleasing  7.merry  8.pleasureable  9.pleasurable  10.joyous  11.cheery  12.gleeful  13.cheerful  14.withrealdelight  15.gamesome  16.good-humoured  


  1. 我有一個舒適的令人愉快的房間。
    I have a cozy and cheerful room.
  2. 和朋友聊天是愉快的,而這種情形沒有比和知己的朋友聊天更為愉快。
    It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends.
  3. 沒有一件事比待在家裡聽音樂更愉快的了。
    Nothing is more pleasant than staying home listening to music.
  4. 她臉上露出愉快的微笑。
    There is a merry smile on her face.
  5. 討論變成了愉快的閒聊。
    The discussion resolved itself into a pleasant chat.
  6. 他那令人愉快的聲音和舉止使陪審團對他產生了偏心。
    His pleasant voice and manner prejudiced the jury in his favor.
  7. 他有一種令人愉快的率直態度。
    He has a downright pleasant manner.
  8. 雖然和友人在一起是愉快的,但他私下卻常常很悲傷。
    Although (he was) cheerful in company, he was often sad in private.