拼音:qīng zhàng英文解釋:
square up【經】 square up
(1).經過整理的詳細帳目。《儒林外史》第二一回:“到晚, 牛浦 回家,問著他,... >>查看“清帳”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.squareaccounts 2.closeaccounts 3.clearanaccount 4.tosquareaccounts 5.topayadebt例句:
- 咱們清帳吧。Let's settle up.
- 請立即結清帳目回來。Please square up and come back at once.
- 負責SAP系統的往來帳清帳工作。Be responsible for cleaning A/P and A/R in SAP system
- 向…結算與……解決或……結清帳目To come to terms or settle accounts with.
- 負責SAP系統的往來帳清帳工作。Be responsible for cleaning A/P and A/R in SAP system.
- 現在咱倆清帳了。We are quits now.
- 結清帳目to adjust accounts