字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>院長的的英文翻譯


拼音:yuàn cháng de


decanal; rectorial


  1. 我利用了我同院長的關係。
    I made something of my relations with the dean.
  2. 修道院院長的管區或職權範圍。
    the jurisdiction or office of an abbot.
  3. 修道院的,男修道院院長的,女修道院長的
    Of or having to do with an abbey, abbot, or abbess.
  4. 為當好院長的助手提供參考。
    the reference is provided for doing well the assistant of the dean.
  5. 大學教育學院院長的素質要求
    Education Reform and Quality Requirement to the Dean of Education College
  6. 馬加利尤教父將前任修道院院長的屍骸放在一個特殊的盒子裡。
    The remains of a former abbot rest in a special box held by Father Macarius
  7. 一個大學院長的辦公處。
    the official residence of a dean
  8. 女修道院由女性任院長的修道院
    A convent supervised by an abbess
