拼音:nián cháng de英文翻譯
elder; old; senior【法】 ripe
1.major 2.senior 3.whiskery 4.elder 5.eldder 6.elderliness 7.elderly例句:
- 尚未交配的小雄獸在繁殖季節中未交配的雄性動物,特別指被較年長的雄性拒於交配領地之外的年輕的雄性海豹A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season, especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males.
- 他是最優秀的年長的國務活動家。He is the elder statesman par excellence.
- 比較年長的孩子嘲笑並奚落新來的人The older children teased and made game of the newcomer.
- 他對於年長的女人有病態的依戀。He has a fixation on older women.