拼音:yòu fā英文翻譯
cause to happen; induce【機】 induce; induction
1.suggestion 2.induction 3.eliciting 4.induce例句:
- 這不是說已經有不良感覺的人在網上花費了更多的時間,而是說使用網際網路似乎確實誘發了人們的不良感覺。And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feelings.
- 免疫力遺傳的、後天的或誘發的對特定的病原感染的抵抗能力Inherited, acquired, or induced resistance to infection by a specific pathogen.
- 免疫缺陷先天的、後天的或誘發的正常免疫反應能力的缺失An innate, acquired, or induced inability to develop a normal immune response.