friend; friendly中文解釋:
友 yǒu 彼此有交情的人:朋友。友誼。友情。 有親近和睦關係的:友邦。友鄰。...>>查看“友”在國語字典中的解釋
- 最近,我的一位朋友送了我一個20G的硬碟。Recently, one of my friends presented me a 20G harddisk
- 對英國來說,您當然不算是新朋友。You are certainly no stranger to the United Kingdom.
- 我的一個朋友就把鐵煉弄下來!你會怒罵嗎?A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off) Do you curse
- 馬友友Yo-yo Ma (1955~ )
- 晚上他跟一位朋友學英文[學彈鋼琴]。In the evenings he took lessons in English [on the piano] from a friend
- 同時請相信愛來源於你的朋友,你的家人和社會.And believe in the love of friends, family and all the humankind.
- 我和女朋友有個約會。I have a date with my girlfriend.
- 他無意中說溜嘴得罪了人,使他失去了一位朋友。His slip of the tongue cost him a friend