【醫】 Citrus decumana; Citrus grandis Osbeck中文解釋:
柚 yòu 常綠喬木,果實稱“柚子,皮粗而厚,色黃,肉白或粉紅色,多汁,味酸甜...>>查看“柚”在國語字典中的解釋
- 這家具是用貼柚木薄片的合板做成的。The furniture is made of plywood covered in teak veneer
- 是一種非常好吃的柚子。It is a kind of very delicious grapefruit.
- 告訴我,你比較喜歡芭葉汁或是葡萄柚汁。Tell me which one you prefer, guava juice or grapefruit juice.
- 一套柚木桌椅裝點著屋頂平台。A teak table and chairs furnish the roof terrace
- 而他們的可見宇宙也曾經只有葡萄柚般的大小。Their observable universe also used to be the size of a grapefruit.
- 硬硬的柚木椅子a stiff teakwood chair
- 您想用什麼樣的木材做茶几,紅木還是柚木?What kind of wood would you like for your tea?table, padauk or teak?
- 柚子樹是另外一個依靠嫁接技術來生長的果樹。The grapefruit tree is another plant that depends on grafting to reproduce.