deep and remote; imprison; quiet; secluded; secret; serene中文解釋:
幽 yōu 隱藏,不公開的:幽會。幽居(a.隱居;b.幽靜的住處)。幽憤。幽咽...>>查看“幽”在國語字典中的解釋
- 用灌木叢和籬笆隔開的一座幽獨的大宅A secluded mansion, islanded by shrubbery and fences.
- 他那幽靜家座落在庭院裡端。His quiet home sits back in his yard.
- 她的幽默感把他強烈地吸引住了.Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously
- 你現在自以為是幽默家嗎?Are you setting up as a humourist now
- 幽默是生活的減震器,它可以鼓舞人們付諸於行動。Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take action .
- 湯姆喜歡你的幽默感。Tom likes your sense of humor.
- (你真幽默。)【美國人極其喜歡的表揚!you have a good sense of humor.