拼音:yǒng gǎn 英文解釋:
bravery; boldness; prowess
(1) ∶有勇氣,有膽量勇敢精神(2) ∶勇敢的人國中勇敢 >>
查看“勇敢”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
bravery 2.
braveness 3.
gallantry 4.
gameness 5.
manliness 6.
prowess 7.
courageousness 8.
courage 9.
nerve 10.
manfulness 11.
valiantness 12.
beofgoodcheer 13.
daringness 14.
doughtiness 15.
fearlessness 16.
boldness 例句:
- 他以勇敢贏得芳心無數。
He won many hearts by his gallantry.
- 他因勇敢而贏得一枚勳章。
He got a medal for his gallantry.
- 他勇敢地忍受著困苦。
He bore his tribulations bravely.
- 我認為你非常勇敢。
I think you are very brave.
- 她勇敢地承受艱難困苦。
She bore her sufferings bravely.
- 他因勇敢而受獎。
He had a commendation for bravery.
- 這名戰士因作戰勇敢而獲得了勳章。
The soldier earned a medal for bravery.
- 他從失火的房子裡救出小孩時的那種勇敢,是人人都見到的。
His bravery was seen by everyone when he saved the child from the burning house.