拼音:yī zhēn jiàn xiě 英文解釋:
hit the nail on the head中文解釋:
比喻說話、做文章直截、簡短而切中要害 >>
查看“一針見血”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他對我的錯誤提出批評,真是一針見血。
His criticism on my mistake is dead on the target.
- 他的分析確實一針見血。
You analysis really hit the nail on the head.
- 他正好敲在釘頭上;一針見血。
He has hit the nail or the head.
- 我喜歡跟那種直截了當,一針見血的人做生意。
I like doing business with people who get right to the nitty-gritty.
- 他對我的錯誤提出批評,真是一針見血。
His criticism on my mistakes is dead on the target.
- 在螢屏上,約翰·韋恩是一個直言不諱、一針見血的人。
"On screen, John Wayne was a blunt talker and straight shooter"