拼音:yī xiàn英文解釋:
a gleam of中文解釋:
見“ 一線 ”。亦作“ 一綫 ”。1.一根線,亦形容細長如線。 唐 杜甫 《至... >>查看“一線”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 槍的瞄準器必須與射擊目標對準成一線。The sights of the gun must be in alignment with the target.
- 鑑定謀殺者的唯一線索是一枝吸了一半的香菸。The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette.
- 他心中仍閃出一線希望。A slender hope still flickered within him.
- 從縫隙中他可以看到一線藍天。Through a chink she could see a bit of blue sky.