拼音:yī juàn 英文解釋:
hank; reel; wad中文解釋:
一排。《兒女英雄傳》第十七回:“只見裡面是小小的三間兩捲房子。前一捲三間,通連左... >>
查看“一卷”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
wadge 2.
roll 3.
arolloffilm 相關對話:
- 一卷東西或被捲起來的一段
A single roll or a rolled section.
- 一匹有一定長度的,尤指當其從織機上卸下來時的一卷布
A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom.
- 捲筒紙的一卷在製造過程中或已進入新聞出版網的一大卷連續不斷的紙,如新聞紙
A large continuous roll of paper, such as newsprint, either in the process of manufacture or as it is fed into a web press.
- 他遞給我一卷線。
He passed me a coil of thread.
- 我一卷新膠捲裝入照相機。
I put a new reel of film in my camera.