n. 卷, 滾動, 名單, 案卷, 壓路機
vi. 滾, 滾動, 飄流, 起伏, 卷, 繞
vt. 使滾動, 卷, 繞
【化】 軋輥
【醫】 卷, 轉動
【經】 輾, 滾動
roll in sth
roll into
roll out
roll up
roll by
roll sb over
roll back
roll in
動詞過去式:rolled 過去分詞:rolled 現在分詞:rolling 第三人稱單數:rolls詞意辨析:
list, catalog(ue), register, roll, schedule, table, chart, form這些名詞均含“名單、目錄、表格”之意。
list: 最普通用詞,含義廣。指按字母順序、時間先後或類別等排列的姓名或項目等的單子。
catalog(ue): 指列出有全部隊名、物名或項目等的目錄,有時指附有簡要說明的分類名單或一覽表。
register: 多指官方對人或事作出的正式書面記錄或詳細清單。
roll: 多指人員的姓名名單,尤指屬於團體或軍事單位的全體人員名單。
schedule: 既可指時間或計畫的安排表,又可指詳細列出的所有分類項的清單或細表。
table: 普通用詞,一般指易於迅速查閱使用,具有特定編排方法的目錄或表格。
chart: 指把資料製成表格等形式供人看的圖表。
form: 指上面印有橫線或格讓人填寫規定內容的表格。rotate, revolve, roll, spin, turn, whirl, circle這些動詞均有“轉動、旋轉”之意。
rotate: 側重指物體圍繞自己的軸或中心旋轉,即自轉。
revolve: 強調指物體圍繞本身以外的中心旋轉,即公轉。
roll: 指某物在平面上滾動或翻滾。
spin: 指沿內軸迅速而連續旋轉,或沿外部一個點作快速圓周運轉。
turn: 普通用詞,中性,含義廣泛,根據搭配,可指作一個圓周運動或連續地作圓周運動,也可指僅是沿圓的弧形轉動。
whirl: 指旋轉或作圓周運動,側重急速或力量。
circle: 指作圓周運動。英文解釋:
名詞 roll:
- rotary motion of an object around its own axis同義詞:axial rotation, axial motion
- a list of names同義詞:roster
- a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore同義詞:roller, rolling wave
- photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
- a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)同義詞:coil, whorl, curl, curlicue, ringlet, gyre, scroll
- a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)同義詞:bankroll
- small rounded bread either plain or sweet同義詞:bun
- a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)同義詞:peal, pealing, rolling
- the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously同義詞:paradiddle, drum roll
- a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)同義詞:scroll
- anything rolled up in cylindrical form
- the act of throwing dice同義詞:cast
- walking with a swaying gait
- a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
- the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
動詞 roll:
- move by turning over or rotating同義詞:turn over
- move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle同義詞:wheel
- occur in soft rounded shapes同義詞:undulate
- flatten or spread with a roller同義詞:roll out
- emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound
- wrap or coil around同義詞:wind, wrap, twine
- begin operating or running
- shape by rolling
- execute a roll, in tumbling
- sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity同義詞:hustle, pluck
- move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion同義詞:undulate, flap, wave
- move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment同義詞:wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond
- move, rock, or sway from side to side
- cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis同義詞:revolve
- pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/
- boil vigorously同義詞:seethe
- take the shape of a roll or cylinder
- show certain properties when being rolled同義詞:roll up
- She rolled in for work twenty minutes late.她懶懶散散地來上班,遲到了二十分鐘。
- The ship was rolling heavily to and fro.那船晃來晃去很不平穩。
- Years rolled on.歲月流逝。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick.
- The dog rolled on the floor.狗在地板上打滾。
v.(動詞)rolled,roll.ing,rolls v.intr.(不及物動詞)To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.向前轉動:以繞軸旋轉或重複不斷滾動的方式沿一水平面向前移動To travel or be moved on wheels or rollers:滾動:在輪子或滾軸上運動或被移動:例句:rolled down the sidewalk on their scooters.踏滑板沿人行道翻滾下來
To travel around; wander:週遊;流浪:例句:roll from town to town.從一個城鎮流浪到另一城鎮
To travel or be carried in a vehicle.旅行,載運:乘車行駛或用車運送To be carried on a stream:運載:在溪流中被帶走:例句:The logs rolled down the cascading river.原木隨著瀑布般湍急的河水順流而下
To start to move or operate:開始移動或啟動:例句:The press wouldn`t roll.印刷機不能運轉了
To work or succeed in a sustained way; gain momentum:完成,獲得動力:持續地發揮作用或成功;獲得推動力:例句:The political campaign finally began to roll.政治運動終於開始有了進展
To go by; elapse:流逝;逝去:例句:The days rolled along.日子在流逝
To recur:循環:例句:Summer has rolled around again.夏天又來了
To move in a periodic revolution, as a planet in its orbit.周期性運轉:以定期運轉的方式移動,如行星在自己的軌道上運行To turn over and over:打滾:例句:The puppy rolled in the mud.小狗在泥地里打滾
To shift the gaze usually quickly and continually:轉動:快速而持續地轉動目光:例句:Her eyes rolled with fright.她的眼睛因害怕而骨碌碌地轉動
To turn around or revolve on or as if on an axis.轉圈:繞或好象繞軸轉圈或旋轉To move or advance with a rising and falling motion; undulate:起落,波動:起伏地運動或前進;波動:例句:The waves rolled toward shore.波濤翻滾著沖向岸邊
To extend or appear to extend in gentle rises and falls:綿延,伸展:輕微地上下延伸或似乎在延伸:例句:The dunes roll to the sea.沙丘綿延地伸向大海
To move or rock from side to side:起伏不定:左右移動或搖擺:例句:The ship pitched and rolled in heavy seas.那隻船在巨大的海浪中顛簸搖晃
To walk with a swaying, unsteady motion.蹣跚而行:搖晃或步履不穩地行走To take the shape of a ball or cylinder:使呈球狀或圓筒狀:例句:Yarn rolls easily.紗線很容易被繞成球狀
To become flattened by or as if by pressure applied by a roller.碾壓,碾平:因或似乎因滾軸所施加的壓力而變平坦To make a deep, prolonged, surging sound:發出隆隆聲:發出低沉、連續和起伏的轟鳴聲:例句:Thunder rolled in the distance.遠處雷聲轟鳴
To make a sustained, trilling sound, as certain birds do.發出顫鳴聲:發出持續的囀鳴聲,如某些鳥那樣To beat a drum in a continuous series of short blows.急促地擊鼓:以一系列連續不斷急促的擊打擂鼓To pour or flow in or as if in a continual stream:湧入:象滾滾的河流一樣傾瀉或湧入:例句:tourists rolling into the city.遊客大量湧入這座城市
To enjoy ample amounts:享有豐富的數量:例句:rolled in the money.擁有一大筆錢
v.tr.(及物動詞)To cause to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.滾動,使轉動:使…以繞軸旋轉或不斷滾動的方式沿一水平面向前運動To move or push along on wheels or rollers:推動:沿著輪子或滾軸運動或推動:例句:rolled the plane out of the hangar.飛機滑動開出飛機庫
To impel or send onward in a steady, swelling motion:使平穩向前:以持續翻滾的動作推向前:例句:The sea rolls its waves onto the sand.海浪洶湧地拍擊著沙灘
To impart a swaying, rocking motion to:使搖擺:使…搖晃或滾動:例句:Heavy seas rolled the ship.大海浪使船左右搖晃
To turn around or partly turn around; rotate:使轉向,旋轉:轉身或部分地轉身;使旋轉:例句:rolled his head toward the door.他把頭轉向門
To cause to begin moving or operating:使運作:使開始運轉或運行:例句:roll the cameras; roll the presses.開動攝影機;開動壓力機
To extend or lay out:展開,陳列:例句:rolled out a long rope.展開一條長繩
To pronounce or utter with a trill:以顫音發音:用顫音發出或說出:例句:You must roll yourr `s in Spanish. 你必須用顫音發西班牙語的r
To utter or emit in full, swelling tones.發出飽滿的聲音:用飽滿洪亮的聲調錶達或說出To beat (a drum) with a continuous series of short blows.急促地擊鼓:以一系列持續的短促擊打擂(鼓)To wrap (something) round and round upon itself or around something else:捲起:把(某物)裹住或卷繞在其它物體上:例句:roll up a poster.把海報捲起來
To envelop or enfold in a covering:裹起:把…裹或包入一個覆蓋物中:例句:roll dirty laundry in a sheet.把待洗的衣服用被單裹起來
To make by shaping into a ball or cylinder:捲成球形:把…做成球狀或圓筒狀:例句:roll a cigarette.卷一枝煙
To spread, compress, or flatten by applying pressure with a roller:滾壓:用一個或多個滾軸輾、擠壓或滾平:例句:roll pastry dough.擀做餡餅的生麵團
Printing To apply ink to (type) with a roller or rollers.【印刷術】 把墨水沾在滾動器上:用一個或多個滾軸給(鉛字)塗上油墨Games To throw (dice), as in craps.【遊戲】 擲骰子:如在擲雙骰子遊戲中擲(骰子)Slang To rob (a drunken, sleeping, or otherwise helpless person).【俚語】 搶劫:搶劫(喝醉、睡著或無助的人)n.(名詞)The act or an instance of rolling.滾動,卷:卷的行為或事例Something rolled up:捲起來的東西:例句:a roll of tape.一卷磁帶
A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.一卷:一卷布或一卷牆紙等被捲成圓筒狀且通常被當作度量單位的數量A piece of parchment or paper that may be or is rolled up; a scroll.捲軸:可被捲起或捲起的羊皮紙或紙張;捲軸A register or a catalogue.記錄或目錄A list of names of persons belonging to a group.花名冊:屬於一個組織的人的名單A mass in cylindrical or rounded form:卷著的東西:圓筒狀或圓形的一堆:例句:a roll of tobacco.一捲菸草
A small rounded portion of bread.麵包卷:麵包圓而小的部分A portion of food shaped like a tube with a filling.管狀食品:一部分填餡的管狀食品A rolling, swaying, or rocking motion.滾動:滾動、搖擺或搖動的動作A gentle swell or undulation of a surface:緩和的起伏:表面輕微的膨脹或起伏:例句:the roll of the plains.平原的綿延起伏
A deep reverberation or rumble:轟隆聲:深沉的迴響或轟鳴聲:例句:the roll of thunder.雷鳴聲
A rapid succession of short sounds:急敲聲:短促聲音的快速振盪:例句:the roll of a drum.擂鼓聲
A trill:顫音:例句:the roll of hisr `s. 他發r 音的顫音
A resonant, rhythmical flow of words.洪亮且有節奏的語流A roller, especially a cylinder on which to roll something up or with which to flatten something.輥軋機,滾輪:尤指把某物捲成筒狀或用來輾平某物的滾筒A maneuver in which an airplane makes a single complete rotation about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude.橫滾,側滾:飛機繞縱軸作的一個完全旋轉且不改變飛行方向或高度的動作Slang Money, especially a wad of paper money.【俚語】 錢:尤指一大疊紙錢
<常用詞組>roll back
To reduce (prices or wages, for example) to a previous lower level.使回降:把(例如,價格或工資)降回到原先較低的水平To cause to turn back or retreat.使倒轉:使迴轉或撤退roll out
To get out of bed.起床,起身Football To execute a rollout.【橄欖球】 前衛的橫移突破roll over
To defer or postpone payment of (an obligation).延期付款:緩期或拖延(債券)的付款To renegotiate the terms of (a financial deal).磋商:重議(金融協定)條款To reinvest (funds from a maturing security) into a similar security.投資:把(從到期證券中得來的資金)再投資到類似的證券中roll up
To arrive in a vehicle.乘車到達To accumulate; amass:積累;儲蓄:例句:rolled up quite a fortune.積累了一大筆財富
常用詞組><習慣用語>on a roll【非正式用語】
Undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune, or success:有好運:持續地經歷或體驗越來越多的好運或成功:例句:.The stock market`s on a roll.(Karen Pennar).股市正處在上升的勢頭中.(克倫·彭納爾)
roll in the hay【俚語】
Sexual intercourse. * roll the bones【遊戲】
To cast dice, especially in craps.擲骰子:尤指在擲雙骰子的遊戲中擲骰子roll with the punches【俚語】
To cope with and withstand adversity, especially by being flexible.臨危不懼:尤指靈活善變地對付或抵禦逆境習慣用語>來源:Middle English rollen 中古英文 rollen from Old French roler 源自 古法文 roler from Vulgar Latin *rotul3re 源自 俗拉丁語 *rotul3re from Latin rotula [diminutive of] rota [wheel] * see ret- 源自 拉丁語 rotula [] rota的小後綴 [輪子] *參見 ret-
list: 最普通用詞,含義廣。指按字母順序、時間先後或類別等排列的姓名或項目等的單子。
catalog(ue): 指列出有全部隊名、物名或項目等的目錄,有時指附有簡要說明的分類名單或一覽表。
register: 多指官方對人或事作出的正式書面記錄或詳細清單。
roll: 多指人員的姓名名單,尤指屬於團體或軍事單位的全體人員名單。
schedule: 既可指時間或計畫的安排表,又可指詳細列出的所有分類項的清單或細表。
table: 普通用詞,一般指易於迅速查閱使用,具有特定編排方法的目錄或表格。
chart: 指把資料製成表格等形式供人看的圖表。
form: 指上面印有橫線或格讓人填寫規定內容的表格。
rotate, revolve, roll, spin, turn, whirl, circle這些動詞均有“轉動、旋轉”之意。
rotate: 側重指物體圍繞自己的軸或中心旋轉,即自轉。
revolve: 強調指物體圍繞本身以外的中心旋轉,即公轉。
roll: 指某物在平面上滾動或翻滾。
spin: 指沿內軸迅速而連續旋轉,或沿外部一個點作快速圓周運轉。
turn: 普通用詞,中性,含義廣泛,根據搭配,可指作一個圓周運動或連續地作圓周運動,也可指僅是沿圓的弧形轉動。
whirl: 指旋轉或作圓周運動,側重急速或力量。
circle: 指作圓周運動。英文解釋:
名詞 roll:
- rotary motion of an object around its own axis同義詞:axial rotation, axial motion
- a list of names同義詞:roster
- a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore同義詞:roller, rolling wave
- photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
- a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)同義詞:coil, whorl, curl, curlicue, ringlet, gyre, scroll
- a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)同義詞:bankroll
- small rounded bread either plain or sweet同義詞:bun
- a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)同義詞:peal, pealing, rolling
- the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously同義詞:paradiddle, drum roll
- a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)同義詞:scroll
- anything rolled up in cylindrical form
- the act of throwing dice同義詞:cast
- walking with a swaying gait
- a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
- the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
動詞 roll:
- move by turning over or rotating同義詞:turn over
- move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle同義詞:wheel
- occur in soft rounded shapes同義詞:undulate
- flatten or spread with a roller同義詞:roll out
- emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound
- wrap or coil around同義詞:wind, wrap, twine
- begin operating or running
- shape by rolling
- execute a roll, in tumbling
- sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity同義詞:hustle, pluck
- move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion同義詞:undulate, flap, wave
- move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment同義詞:wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond
- move, rock, or sway from side to side
- cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis同義詞:revolve
- pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/
- boil vigorously同義詞:seethe
- take the shape of a roll or cylinder
- show certain properties when being rolled同義詞:roll up
- She rolled in for work twenty minutes late.她懶懶散散地來上班,遲到了二十分鐘。
- The ship was rolling heavily to and fro.那船晃來晃去很不平穩。
- Years rolled on.歲月流逝。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick.
- The dog rolled on the floor.狗在地板上打滾。
v.(動詞)rolled,roll.ing,rolls v.intr.(不及物動詞)To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.向前轉動:以繞軸旋轉或重複不斷滾動的方式沿一水平面向前移動To travel or be moved on wheels or rollers:滾動:在輪子或滾軸上運動或被移動:例句:rolled down the sidewalk on their scooters.踏滑板沿人行道翻滾下來
To travel around; wander:週遊;流浪:例句:roll from town to town.從一個城鎮流浪到另一城鎮
To travel or be carried in a vehicle.旅行,載運:乘車行駛或用車運送To be carried on a stream:運載:在溪流中被帶走:例句:The logs rolled down the cascading river.原木隨著瀑布般湍急的河水順流而下
To start to move or operate:開始移動或啟動:例句:The press wouldn`t roll.印刷機不能運轉了
To work or succeed in a sustained way; gain momentum:完成,獲得動力:持續地發揮作用或成功;獲得推動力:例句:The political campaign finally began to roll.政治運動終於開始有了進展
To go by; elapse:流逝;逝去:例句:The days rolled along.日子在流逝
To recur:循環:例句:Summer has rolled around again.夏天又來了
To move in a periodic revolution, as a planet in its orbit.周期性運轉:以定期運轉的方式移動,如行星在自己的軌道上運行To turn over and over:打滾:例句:The puppy rolled in the mud.小狗在泥地里打滾
To shift the gaze usually quickly and continually:轉動:快速而持續地轉動目光:例句:Her eyes rolled with fright.她的眼睛因害怕而骨碌碌地轉動
To turn around or revolve on or as if on an axis.轉圈:繞或好象繞軸轉圈或旋轉To move or advance with a rising and falling motion; undulate:起落,波動:起伏地運動或前進;波動:例句:The waves rolled toward shore.波濤翻滾著沖向岸邊
To extend or appear to extend in gentle rises and falls:綿延,伸展:輕微地上下延伸或似乎在延伸:例句:The dunes roll to the sea.沙丘綿延地伸向大海
To move or rock from side to side:起伏不定:左右移動或搖擺:例句:The ship pitched and rolled in heavy seas.那隻船在巨大的海浪中顛簸搖晃
To walk with a swaying, unsteady motion.蹣跚而行:搖晃或步履不穩地行走To take the shape of a ball or cylinder:使呈球狀或圓筒狀:例句:Yarn rolls easily.紗線很容易被繞成球狀
To become flattened by or as if by pressure applied by a roller.碾壓,碾平:因或似乎因滾軸所施加的壓力而變平坦To make a deep, prolonged, surging sound:發出隆隆聲:發出低沉、連續和起伏的轟鳴聲:例句:Thunder rolled in the distance.遠處雷聲轟鳴
To make a sustained, trilling sound, as certain birds do.發出顫鳴聲:發出持續的囀鳴聲,如某些鳥那樣To beat a drum in a continuous series of short blows.急促地擊鼓:以一系列連續不斷急促的擊打擂鼓To pour or flow in or as if in a continual stream:湧入:象滾滾的河流一樣傾瀉或湧入:例句:tourists rolling into the city.遊客大量湧入這座城市
To enjoy ample amounts:享有豐富的數量:例句:rolled in the money.擁有一大筆錢
v.tr.(及物動詞)To cause to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.滾動,使轉動:使…以繞軸旋轉或不斷滾動的方式沿一水平面向前運動To move or push along on wheels or rollers:推動:沿著輪子或滾軸運動或推動:例句:rolled the plane out of the hangar.飛機滑動開出飛機庫
To impel or send onward in a steady, swelling motion:使平穩向前:以持續翻滾的動作推向前:例句:The sea rolls its waves onto the sand.海浪洶湧地拍擊著沙灘
To impart a swaying, rocking motion to:使搖擺:使…搖晃或滾動:例句:Heavy seas rolled the ship.大海浪使船左右搖晃
To turn around or partly turn around; rotate:使轉向,旋轉:轉身或部分地轉身;使旋轉:例句:rolled his head toward the door.他把頭轉向門
To cause to begin moving or operating:使運作:使開始運轉或運行:例句:roll the cameras; roll the presses.開動攝影機;開動壓力機
To extend or lay out:展開,陳列:例句:rolled out a long rope.展開一條長繩
To pronounce or utter with a trill:以顫音發音:用顫音發出或說出:例句:You must roll yourr `s in Spanish. 你必須用顫音發西班牙語的r
To utter or emit in full, swelling tones.發出飽滿的聲音:用飽滿洪亮的聲調錶達或說出To beat (a drum) with a continuous series of short blows.急促地擊鼓:以一系列持續的短促擊打擂(鼓)To wrap (something) round and round upon itself or around something else:捲起:把(某物)裹住或卷繞在其它物體上:例句:roll up a poster.把海報捲起來
To envelop or enfold in a covering:裹起:把…裹或包入一個覆蓋物中:例句:roll dirty laundry in a sheet.把待洗的衣服用被單裹起來
To make by shaping into a ball or cylinder:捲成球形:把…做成球狀或圓筒狀:例句:roll a cigarette.卷一枝煙
To spread, compress, or flatten by applying pressure with a roller:滾壓:用一個或多個滾軸輾、擠壓或滾平:例句:roll pastry dough.擀做餡餅的生麵團
Printing To apply ink to (type) with a roller or rollers.【印刷術】 把墨水沾在滾動器上:用一個或多個滾軸給(鉛字)塗上油墨Games To throw (dice), as in craps.【遊戲】 擲骰子:如在擲雙骰子遊戲中擲(骰子)Slang To rob (a drunken, sleeping, or otherwise helpless person).【俚語】 搶劫:搶劫(喝醉、睡著或無助的人)n.(名詞)The act or an instance of rolling.滾動,卷:卷的行為或事例Something rolled up:捲起來的東西:例句:a roll of tape.一卷磁帶
A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.一卷:一卷布或一卷牆紙等被捲成圓筒狀且通常被當作度量單位的數量A piece of parchment or paper that may be or is rolled up; a scroll.捲軸:可被捲起或捲起的羊皮紙或紙張;捲軸A register or a catalogue.記錄或目錄A list of names of persons belonging to a group.花名冊:屬於一個組織的人的名單A mass in cylindrical or rounded form:卷著的東西:圓筒狀或圓形的一堆:例句:a roll of tobacco.一捲菸草
A small rounded portion of bread.麵包卷:麵包圓而小的部分A portion of food shaped like a tube with a filling.管狀食品:一部分填餡的管狀食品A rolling, swaying, or rocking motion.滾動:滾動、搖擺或搖動的動作A gentle swell or undulation of a surface:緩和的起伏:表面輕微的膨脹或起伏:例句:the roll of the plains.平原的綿延起伏
A deep reverberation or rumble:轟隆聲:深沉的迴響或轟鳴聲:例句:the roll of thunder.雷鳴聲
A rapid succession of short sounds:急敲聲:短促聲音的快速振盪:例句:the roll of a drum.擂鼓聲
A trill:顫音:例句:the roll of hisr `s. 他發r 音的顫音
A resonant, rhythmical flow of words.洪亮且有節奏的語流A roller, especially a cylinder on which to roll something up or with which to flatten something.輥軋機,滾輪:尤指把某物捲成筒狀或用來輾平某物的滾筒A maneuver in which an airplane makes a single complete rotation about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude.橫滾,側滾:飛機繞縱軸作的一個完全旋轉且不改變飛行方向或高度的動作Slang Money, especially a wad of paper money.【俚語】 錢:尤指一大疊紙錢
<常用詞組>roll back
To reduce (prices or wages, for example) to a previous lower level.使回降:把(例如,價格或工資)降回到原先較低的水平To cause to turn back or retreat.使倒轉:使迴轉或撤退roll out
To get out of bed.起床,起身Football To execute a rollout.【橄欖球】 前衛的橫移突破roll over
To defer or postpone payment of (an obligation).延期付款:緩期或拖延(債券)的付款To renegotiate the terms of (a financial deal).磋商:重議(金融協定)條款To reinvest (funds from a maturing security) into a similar security.投資:把(從到期證券中得來的資金)再投資到類似的證券中roll up
To arrive in a vehicle.乘車到達To accumulate; amass:積累;儲蓄:例句:rolled up quite a fortune.積累了一大筆財富
常用詞組><習慣用語>on a roll【非正式用語】
Undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune, or success:有好運:持續地經歷或體驗越來越多的好運或成功:例句:.The stock market`s on a roll.(Karen Pennar).股市正處在上升的勢頭中.(克倫·彭納爾)
roll in the hay【俚語】
Sexual intercourse. * roll the bones【遊戲】
To cast dice, especially in craps.擲骰子:尤指在擲雙骰子的遊戲中擲骰子roll with the punches【俚語】
To cope with and withstand adversity, especially by being flexible.臨危不懼:尤指靈活善變地對付或抵禦逆境習慣用語>來源:Middle English rollen 中古英文 rollen from Old French roler 源自 古法文 roler from Vulgar Latin *rotul3re 源自 俗拉丁語 *rotul3re from Latin rotula [diminutive of] rota [wheel] * see ret- 源自 拉丁語 rotula [] rota的小後綴 [輪子] *參見 ret-
rotate: 側重指物體圍繞自己的軸或中心旋轉,即自轉。
revolve: 強調指物體圍繞本身以外的中心旋轉,即公轉。
roll: 指某物在平面上滾動或翻滾。
spin: 指沿內軸迅速而連續旋轉,或沿外部一個點作快速圓周運轉。
turn: 普通用詞,中性,含義廣泛,根據搭配,可指作一個圓周運動或連續地作圓周運動,也可指僅是沿圓的弧形轉動。
whirl: 指旋轉或作圓周運動,側重急速或力量。
circle: 指作圓周運動。
名詞 roll:
- rotary motion of an object around its own axis同義詞:axial rotation, axial motion
- a list of names同義詞:roster
- a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore同義詞:roller, rolling wave
- photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
- a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)同義詞:coil, whorl, curl, curlicue, ringlet, gyre, scroll
- a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)同義詞:bankroll
- small rounded bread either plain or sweet同義詞:bun
- a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)同義詞:peal, pealing, rolling
- the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously同義詞:paradiddle, drum roll
- a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)同義詞:scroll
- anything rolled up in cylindrical form
- the act of throwing dice同義詞:cast
- walking with a swaying gait
- a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
- the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
動詞 roll:
- move by turning over or rotating同義詞:turn over
- move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle同義詞:wheel
- occur in soft rounded shapes同義詞:undulate
- flatten or spread with a roller同義詞:roll out
- emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound
- wrap or coil around同義詞:wind, wrap, twine
- begin operating or running
- shape by rolling
- execute a roll, in tumbling
- sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity同義詞:hustle, pluck
- move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion同義詞:undulate, flap, wave
- move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment同義詞:wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond
- move, rock, or sway from side to side
- cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis同義詞:revolve
- pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/
- boil vigorously同義詞:seethe
- take the shape of a roll or cylinder
- show certain properties when being rolled同義詞:roll up
- She rolled in for work twenty minutes late.她懶懶散散地來上班,遲到了二十分鐘。
- The ship was rolling heavily to and fro.那船晃來晃去很不平穩。
- Years rolled on.歲月流逝。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick.
- The dog rolled on the floor.狗在地板上打滾。
v.(動詞)rolled,roll.ing,rolls v.intr.(不及物動詞)To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.向前轉動:以繞軸旋轉或重複不斷滾動的方式沿一水平面向前移動To travel or be moved on wheels or rollers:滾動:在輪子或滾軸上運動或被移動:例句:rolled down the sidewalk on their scooters.踏滑板沿人行道翻滾下來
To travel around; wander:週遊;流浪:例句:roll from town to town.從一個城鎮流浪到另一城鎮
To travel or be carried in a vehicle.旅行,載運:乘車行駛或用車運送To be carried on a stream:運載:在溪流中被帶走:例句:The logs rolled down the cascading river.原木隨著瀑布般湍急的河水順流而下
To start to move or operate:開始移動或啟動:例句:The press wouldn`t roll.印刷機不能運轉了
To work or succeed in a sustained way; gain momentum:完成,獲得動力:持續地發揮作用或成功;獲得推動力:例句:The political campaign finally began to roll.政治運動終於開始有了進展
To go by; elapse:流逝;逝去:例句:The days rolled along.日子在流逝
To recur:循環:例句:Summer has rolled around again.夏天又來了
To move in a periodic revolution, as a planet in its orbit.周期性運轉:以定期運轉的方式移動,如行星在自己的軌道上運行To turn over and over:打滾:例句:The puppy rolled in the mud.小狗在泥地里打滾
To shift the gaze usually quickly and continually:轉動:快速而持續地轉動目光:例句:Her eyes rolled with fright.她的眼睛因害怕而骨碌碌地轉動
To turn around or revolve on or as if on an axis.轉圈:繞或好象繞軸轉圈或旋轉To move or advance with a rising and falling motion; undulate:起落,波動:起伏地運動或前進;波動:例句:The waves rolled toward shore.波濤翻滾著沖向岸邊
To extend or appear to extend in gentle rises and falls:綿延,伸展:輕微地上下延伸或似乎在延伸:例句:The dunes roll to the sea.沙丘綿延地伸向大海
To move or rock from side to side:起伏不定:左右移動或搖擺:例句:The ship pitched and rolled in heavy seas.那隻船在巨大的海浪中顛簸搖晃
To walk with a swaying, unsteady motion.蹣跚而行:搖晃或步履不穩地行走To take the shape of a ball or cylinder:使呈球狀或圓筒狀:例句:Yarn rolls easily.紗線很容易被繞成球狀
To become flattened by or as if by pressure applied by a roller.碾壓,碾平:因或似乎因滾軸所施加的壓力而變平坦To make a deep, prolonged, surging sound:發出隆隆聲:發出低沉、連續和起伏的轟鳴聲:例句:Thunder rolled in the distance.遠處雷聲轟鳴
To make a sustained, trilling sound, as certain birds do.發出顫鳴聲:發出持續的囀鳴聲,如某些鳥那樣To beat a drum in a continuous series of short blows.急促地擊鼓:以一系列連續不斷急促的擊打擂鼓To pour or flow in or as if in a continual stream:湧入:象滾滾的河流一樣傾瀉或湧入:例句:tourists rolling into the city.遊客大量湧入這座城市
To enjoy ample amounts:享有豐富的數量:例句:rolled in the money.擁有一大筆錢
v.tr.(及物動詞)To cause to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.滾動,使轉動:使…以繞軸旋轉或不斷滾動的方式沿一水平面向前運動To move or push along on wheels or rollers:推動:沿著輪子或滾軸運動或推動:例句:rolled the plane out of the hangar.飛機滑動開出飛機庫
To impel or send onward in a steady, swelling motion:使平穩向前:以持續翻滾的動作推向前:例句:The sea rolls its waves onto the sand.海浪洶湧地拍擊著沙灘
To impart a swaying, rocking motion to:使搖擺:使…搖晃或滾動:例句:Heavy seas rolled the ship.大海浪使船左右搖晃
To turn around or partly turn around; rotate:使轉向,旋轉:轉身或部分地轉身;使旋轉:例句:rolled his head toward the door.他把頭轉向門
To cause to begin moving or operating:使運作:使開始運轉或運行:例句:roll the cameras; roll the presses.開動攝影機;開動壓力機
To extend or lay out:展開,陳列:例句:rolled out a long rope.展開一條長繩
To pronounce or utter with a trill:以顫音發音:用顫音發出或說出:例句:You must roll yourr `s in Spanish. 你必須用顫音發西班牙語的r
To utter or emit in full, swelling tones.發出飽滿的聲音:用飽滿洪亮的聲調錶達或說出To beat (a drum) with a continuous series of short blows.急促地擊鼓:以一系列持續的短促擊打擂(鼓)To wrap (something) round and round upon itself or around something else:捲起:把(某物)裹住或卷繞在其它物體上:例句:roll up a poster.把海報捲起來
To envelop or enfold in a covering:裹起:把…裹或包入一個覆蓋物中:例句:roll dirty laundry in a sheet.把待洗的衣服用被單裹起來
To make by shaping into a ball or cylinder:捲成球形:把…做成球狀或圓筒狀:例句:roll a cigarette.卷一枝煙
To spread, compress, or flatten by applying pressure with a roller:滾壓:用一個或多個滾軸輾、擠壓或滾平:例句:roll pastry dough.擀做餡餅的生麵團
Printing To apply ink to (type) with a roller or rollers.【印刷術】 把墨水沾在滾動器上:用一個或多個滾軸給(鉛字)塗上油墨Games To throw (dice), as in craps.【遊戲】 擲骰子:如在擲雙骰子遊戲中擲(骰子)Slang To rob (a drunken, sleeping, or otherwise helpless person).【俚語】 搶劫:搶劫(喝醉、睡著或無助的人)n.(名詞)The act or an instance of rolling.滾動,卷:卷的行為或事例Something rolled up:捲起來的東西:例句:a roll of tape.一卷磁帶
A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.一卷:一卷布或一卷牆紙等被捲成圓筒狀且通常被當作度量單位的數量A piece of parchment or paper that may be or is rolled up; a scroll.捲軸:可被捲起或捲起的羊皮紙或紙張;捲軸A register or a catalogue.記錄或目錄A list of names of persons belonging to a group.花名冊:屬於一個組織的人的名單A mass in cylindrical or rounded form:卷著的東西:圓筒狀或圓形的一堆:例句:a roll of tobacco.一捲菸草
A small rounded portion of bread.麵包卷:麵包圓而小的部分A portion of food shaped like a tube with a filling.管狀食品:一部分填餡的管狀食品A rolling, swaying, or rocking motion.滾動:滾動、搖擺或搖動的動作A gentle swell or undulation of a surface:緩和的起伏:表面輕微的膨脹或起伏:例句:the roll of the plains.平原的綿延起伏
A deep reverberation or rumble:轟隆聲:深沉的迴響或轟鳴聲:例句:the roll of thunder.雷鳴聲
A rapid succession of short sounds:急敲聲:短促聲音的快速振盪:例句:the roll of a drum.擂鼓聲
A trill:顫音:例句:the roll of hisr `s. 他發r 音的顫音
A resonant, rhythmical flow of words.洪亮且有節奏的語流A roller, especially a cylinder on which to roll something up or with which to flatten something.輥軋機,滾輪:尤指把某物捲成筒狀或用來輾平某物的滾筒A maneuver in which an airplane makes a single complete rotation about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude.橫滾,側滾:飛機繞縱軸作的一個完全旋轉且不改變飛行方向或高度的動作Slang Money, especially a wad of paper money.【俚語】 錢:尤指一大疊紙錢
<常用詞組>roll back
To reduce (prices or wages, for example) to a previous lower level.使回降:把(例如,價格或工資)降回到原先較低的水平To cause to turn back or retreat.使倒轉:使迴轉或撤退roll out
To get out of bed.起床,起身Football To execute a rollout.【橄欖球】 前衛的橫移突破roll over
To defer or postpone payment of (an obligation).延期付款:緩期或拖延(債券)的付款To renegotiate the terms of (a financial deal).磋商:重議(金融協定)條款To reinvest (funds from a maturing security) into a similar security.投資:把(從到期證券中得來的資金)再投資到類似的證券中roll up
To arrive in a vehicle.乘車到達To accumulate; amass:積累;儲蓄:例句:rolled up quite a fortune.積累了一大筆財富
常用詞組><習慣用語>on a roll【非正式用語】
Undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune, or success:有好運:持續地經歷或體驗越來越多的好運或成功:例句:.The stock market`s on a roll.(Karen Pennar).股市正處在上升的勢頭中.(克倫·彭納爾)
roll in the hay【俚語】
Sexual intercourse. * roll the bones【遊戲】
To cast dice, especially in craps.擲骰子:尤指在擲雙骰子的遊戲中擲骰子roll with the punches【俚語】
To cope with and withstand adversity, especially by being flexible.臨危不懼:尤指靈活善變地對付或抵禦逆境習慣用語>來源:Middle English rollen 中古英文 rollen from Old French roler 源自 古法文 roler from Vulgar Latin *rotul3re 源自 俗拉丁語 *rotul3re from Latin rotula [diminutive of] rota [wheel] * see ret- 源自 拉丁語 rotula [] rota的小後綴 [輪子] *參見 ret-

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