拼音:yì wèi zhe 英文解釋:
get at; mean; predicate; presume; purport中文解釋:
意指這一數字意味著生產提高了兩倍 >>
查看“意味著”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
connote 2.
getat 3.
presume 4.
spell 相關對話:
- 這是否意味著貴國正在實施新的外貿政策?
Does it mean that you be apply a new foreign trade policy?
- 他沉默不語意味著同意了。
His silence implied agreement.
- 戰爭的持續意味著食品短缺。
Continuance of the war will mean shortage of the food.
- 他拒絕給你那份工作,並不一定意味著你就得不到。我很了解他,那裡的人事關係很複雜。
His refusal to give you that job doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get it. I know him quite well, and there are wheels within wheels.