拼音:yǐ wéi 英文解釋:
suppose; feel; believe; conceive; consider; think
認為自以為不失天下之士。——《史記·平原君... >>
查看“以為”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 我以為這同樣是機械的提法。
In my opinion, this, too, represents a mechanical way of thinking
- 太遺憾了。我還以為我們還有一點交情。
Too bad. I almost think we have something.
- 你誤使我對你的意圖信以為真.
You misled me as to your intentions
- 儘管如此,他們的反應仍是混淆不堪,既引以為樂,又疑慮忡忡。
But their reactions have been mixed, ranging from delight to scepticism.
- 如果他以為瑪麗會和他結婚,那他就誤會了。
If he thinks Mary will marry him, he is labouring under a delusion
- 為這緣故,我也受這些苦難,然而我不以為恥。
That is why I am suffering as I am.
- 他自以為是公司的台柱, 但事實上他是個微不足道的人。
He thinks he's a mainstay of the company, but he's really rather small beer
- 你為什麼這樣無禮地把她推開?我還以為你愛她呢!
Why do you thrust her from you so unkindly? I thought you loved her!