拼音:yī wèi 英文解釋:
(1) ∶盲目,不顧客觀條件一味蠻幹(2) ∶單純地先生何故一味推脫 >>
查看“一味”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 我可不願意聽著一味沖著我講的話。
I don't like being talked at.
- 一味強調你那個藉口是沒有用處的。
There is no sense in fastening on that pretext of yours.
- 你應該勸導孩子們,而不要一味地要他們服從。
You should reason with the children instead of just telling them to obey.
- 詹姆斯是個一味追逐姑娘的小伙子-他每星期換一個女朋友。
James is a bit of a lad – he has a new girlfriend every week
- 如果他一味這樣下去, 他將一事無成。
If he goes on like this, he'll never amount to anything.
- 詹姆斯是個一味追逐姑娘的小伙子-他每星期換一個女朋友。
James is a bit of a lad – he has a new girlfriend every week.