拼音:yǐn qǐ英文翻譯
cause; lead to; create; draw forth; effect; engender; invoke【經】 spark
1.elicit 2.giveoccasionto 3.invited 4.leadinto 5.drawforth 6.induce 7.giveriseto 8.originate 9.fetchup 10.callforth 11.beatthebottomof 12.begot 13.bringon 14.begotten 15.begem 16.touchup例句:
- 她失蹤一事引起了各種流言蜚語。Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.
- 飢餓引起犯罪。Hunger begets crime.
- 這次爭吵是兩家不和引起的。The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families.
- 社會動盪是經濟問題引起的。The social unrest has its origins in economic problems.
- 吃得太飽會引起睡意。Too much food induces sleepiness.