拼音:yǐn jū英文解釋:
live in seclusion; privacy; retire; retirement; retreat【法】 retire
退居鄉里,不肯出仕。退居山野隱居之室。——明&middo... >>查看“隱居”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.inkyo 2.notgoanywhere 3.poorly 4.seclusiveness 5.liveoutoftheworld 6.seclusion 7.hermitry 8.hermitship 9.FarfromtheMaddingCrowd例句:
- 他隱居到鄉下去寫書。He buried himself (away) in the country to write a book.
- 那位著名的演員現在過著隱居生活。The famous actor now lives in seclusion.
- 約翰退休後,過著隱居的生活。John lived in the shadow after his retirement.
- 這位退休的影星過著隱居的生活。The retired film star sequestered herself from the world.
- 她遠離朋友,過隱居生活。She lives in seclusion apart from her friend.