- 人們寄希望於人類基因組計畫能破解人類細胞中所隱含的遺傳密碼。
Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cell.
- 隱含的對稱——淺析《浮士德》中的歐福良形象
Implied symmetry--Analysis on Euphorion,an Image in Faust
- 他最終領悟了詩中隱含的深意。
The interior meaning of the poem finally dawned on him.
- “幸虧”隱含的轉接功能與語義轄域
Implied Resetting Function and Semantic Scope of "Xingkui(幸虧)"
- 玩笑並沒有掩蓋他的觀點隱含的嚴肅性。
The joke did not obscure the underlying seriousness of his point.
- 含意;暗流;內在性質隱含的或含蓄的傾向或意義;潛在勢力
An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent.