拼音:yǐn chū英文解釋:
draw forth; draw out; educe; elicit; lead to; derivation【計】 lead-out
從中總結出、作出或得到引出正確的結論 >>查看“引出”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.drawout 2.derivation 3.elicitation 4.elicit 5.educe 6.eduction 7.drawforth 8.lead-out 9.leading-out 10.draw(-)out 11.fetchout相關對話:
- 他很善於引出人家的話來。He had the art of drawing people out.
- 他一辭職引出了一個問題,即我們目前是否需要有人代理領導職務。His resignation poses the question of whether we now need a deputy leader.
- 中頻引出通過新穎的DGS低通濾波器濾波後輸出。A novel DGS lowpass filter is used to purify IF signal
- 引出結論draw [lead up to] a conclusion
- 引出或帶出;啟迪To draw or bring out; elicit.
- 這就引出了兩個很有意思的問題:艾倫·格林斯潘真的是神嗎?This raises two interesting questions: Is Alan Greenspan in fact a god
- 誘出,引出引出或拉出(潛在的某物);誘出To bring or draw out(something latent); educe.