拼音:yì liào英文解釋:
事先對情況、結果等的估計、推測出乎意料 >>查看“意料”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 這次考試之難出乎我的意料之外。The exam was more difficult than I had bargained for.
- 現實中,事情總是出乎意料地發生。In reality, things always happen out of expectation.
- 故事情節在第十五章有了出乎意料的轉折。The story has a strange twist in chapter 15
- 這可真有點出乎我的意料。This is really something out of my expectation.
- 作者別具匠心地設計了一個出人意料的結尾。The writer showed ingenuity in creating a surprising ending
- 這件禮物完全出乎(我的)意料The gift came as a complete surprise (to me
- 而在諾伊看來,害怕是很自然的,也是意料之中的。According to Noy, fear is both natural and expected.