拼音:yī láo yǒng yì英文解釋:
get sth. done once and for ever中文解釋:
辛苦一次,以後就可以永久安逸 >>查看“一勞永逸”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 過去,人們只要學習一項技能就可以一勞永逸。There was a time when people learned a trade only once in their life
- 明天我們就能一勞永逸地把這事結束掉了。Tomorrow we shall have finished with this business once for all.
- 只有用這個辦法我們才能一勞永逸的解決普遍存在的浪費問題。Only in this way can we settle this issue which is ubiquitous for good.