拼音:yī jué bù zhèn英文解釋:
cannot recover after a setback中文解釋:
一遭到失敗或挫折就再也振作不起來 >>查看“一蹶不振”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 長期罷工損失巨大致使該公司一蹶不振。The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company's coffin.
- 他遭諸多不幸而一蹶不振。Various strokes of misfortune led to his ruin.
- 他在妻子死後一蹶不振。After his wife's death, he fell into a decline.
- 他生意失敗以後,整個人一蹶不振。He was a broken man after the failure of his business.