拼音:yī chē英文解釋:
- 下午7點去紐約的一車是否還有空位?Do you have free seats for 7 p . m. train to New York?
- 裝滿一車小麥to load a wagon with wheat
- 麵包師訂了買一車麵粉的契約。The baker contracted for a load of flour .
- 角色扮演:你預定了一車煤。Role-play: You have ordered a cartload of coal.
- 這輛卡車裝著一車香蕉。The truck was carrying a load of bananas.
- 卡車裝運一車沙子。The truck was carrying a load of sand
- 5分鐘之後,來了一車人。In five minutes a whole carload of them arrived.
- 那工人用手推車搬運一車磚塊。The workman was wheeling a load of bricks on a wheelbarrow.