拼音:yī qiào bù tōng英文翻譯
know nothing about; utterly ignorant of例句:
- 他會開汽車,但他對汽車發動機的結構一竅不通。He can drive a car but he doesn't know anything about the nuts and bolts of the engine.
- 他坐在那兒發表他對法制的高論,雖然他對此一竅不通。He sat there pontificating about the legal system although it was clear that he knew very little about it.
- 大學的飽學之士對做生意一竅不通。The eggheads at the university know nothing about business.
一竅不通的意思 完全無知詳細解釋《呂氏春秋·過理》:“殺 比干 而視其心,不適也。 孔子 聞之曰:‘其竅通,則 比干 不死矣。’” 高誘 註:“ 紂 性不仁,心不通,安於為惡,殺 比干 ,故 孔子 言其一竅通則 比

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