拼音:yī bù英文解釋:
(1).行走時兩腳間的距離。 三國 魏 阮籍 《大人先生傳》:“以萬里為一步... >>查看“一步”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.pace 2.one-step相關對話:
- 進一步細想後,她明白了自己的錯誤。On further reflection she saw her mistake.
- 結得整整齊齊的領帶,是人生嚴肅的第一步。A well- tied tie is a first serious step in life.
- 這一會議可視為兩黨走向進一步聯合的第一步。The meeting is seen as the first step towards greater unity between the parties.
- 他們完全反對我邁出這危險的一步。They are absolutely discouraging me from such a dangerous step.
- 再走一步,你就會沒命。One more step, and you'll be killed.