拼音:yī bì zhī lì英文解釋:
a helping hand中文解釋:
手臂拉一把的力量。指不太大的力量 >>查看“一臂之力”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 他強烈地感覺他應當助一臂之力。He keenly felt that he should do something to help.
- 如果有人助我一臂之力, 我能爬進這視窗。I can climb in this window if someone gives me a leg up.
- 曾經在2000年總統競選中拿下密州的麥肯錫略帶消極的說法助了羅姆內一臂之力。Mr McCain, who won Michigan in 2000, helped him by sounding gloomier.
- 助一臂之力to lend a hand
- 助一臂之力give sb. a hand
- 如果有人助我一臂之力, 我能爬進這視窗。I can climb in this window if someone gives me a leg up