拼音:yán wài zhī yì英文解釋:
implication【法】 implicative
含蓄而沒有明白指明的意思 >>查看“言外之意”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他的信看似十分友好熱情,但如果從字裡行間去找卻能讀出其言外之意,他並不真正歡迎我們去他家。His letter sounds friendly enough, but if you read between the lines, you will see that he doesn't really welcome us to his home.
- 我按字面意思去理解他的話,但實際上他另有言外之意。I took what he said literally, but he really meant something else.
- 我按字面意思去理解他的話,但實際上他另有言外之意。I took what he said literally, but he really meant something else.
- 她直接的話說了很少,但言外之意卻很多。She said very little directly, but a great deal by implication
- 你讀他的文章,必找出他的言外之意,才能懂得深透。You must read between the lines in order to get his full meanig.