拼音:yán kù 英文解釋:
inclemency; asperity; astringency; rigour
(1) ∶殘酷;殘忍嚴酷的戰爭年代(2) ∶冷酷;無情嚴酷的剝削(3) ∶嚴厲;... >>
查看“嚴酷”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 啊,嚴酷的魔王!噢,瘸腿的聖徒!
O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint!
- 我們發現這種(茶)樹最能經受各種嚴酷的氣候。
We find such shrubs will best stand up to hard weather.
- 他們最終承認了嚴酷的事實
In time they came to accept the harsh facts.
- 他正遭受著可能是最嚴酷條件的考驗。
He was subjected to the harshest possible conditions.
- 承憲應該很快就要去接受嚴酷的冬訓了。
SH is supposed to go to severe winter training very soon.
- 嚴酷的考驗
a rugged test
- 絕對的真理;絕對的事實;面對最後期限的嚴酷事實。
the blunt truth; the crude facts; facing the stark reality of the deadline.
- 希望的估量能帶你度過不如意的嚴酷考驗。
A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant ordeal