拼音:yán dōng英文解釋:
severe winter中文解釋:
極冷的冬天 >>查看“嚴冬”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 在嚴冬逼近時我們非常發愁。We got quite worried as winter closed in on us.
- 嚴冬持續了幾個月,直到我們認為春天不會來了。The cold winter months dragged on until we thought spring would never come.
- 嚴冬季節,冰天雪地。There is ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter.
- 我們能夠採取措施預防嚴冬。We can take steps to provide against a severe winter
- 一個嚴冬A tough winter
- 這支探險隊飽受了加拿大嚴冬的折磨。The expedition suffered all the rigours of a Canadian winter.
- 我們又度過了一個嚴冬。We had another brutal winter.
- 北極的嚴冬A brutal winter in the Arctic