字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>嚴禁的英文翻譯 “嚴禁”的日文翻譯


拼音:yán jìn


strictly prohibit


嚴格禁止嚴禁吸菸 >>查看“嚴禁”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 行使中,嚴禁中途下車及換乘。
    It is strictly prohibited to get off and change a car midway
  2. 此段河流嚴禁外人捕魚.
    The fishing in this stretch of the river is strictly preserved
  3. 嚴禁誤用的,尤其是在南太平洋島嶼。
    forbidden to profane use especially in South Pacific islands.
  4. 校內嚴禁吸菸。
    Smoking is strictly forbidden on school premises.
  5. 嚴禁打罵犯人。
    To insult or strike prisoners is strictly forbidden.
  6. 能使用吹落葉機嗎?嚴禁使用,至少在空氣品質差的那幾天,會產生揚塵。
    Leaf blowers? Verboten, at least on "bad air" days. They kick up dust.
  7. 行使中,嚴禁中途下車及換乘。
    It is strictly prohibited to get off and change a car midway.
  8. 那位老師嚴禁使用夾帶。
    The teacher vetoed the use of a crib.
