拼音:yán hán 英文解釋:
chilliness; Jack Frost; severe cold
極度寒冷嚴寒的北方嚴寒天氣 >>
查看“嚴寒”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 這個地區有著嚴寒的氣候。
This area has a frigid climate
- 是嚴寒性蕁麻疹,我也曾經得過這種病。
It is cold sex urticaria, I once also had gotten this kind of disease.
- 吊鐘形玻璃罩一種通常呈鍾狀的罩子,主要用於保護植物避免嚴寒
A usually bell-shaped cover, used chiefly to protect plants from frost
- 吊鐘形玻璃罩一種通常呈鍾狀的罩子,主要用於保護植物避免嚴寒
A usually bell-shaped cover, used chiefly to protect plants from frost.
- 極其寒冷或嚴寒
Severely sharp cold or frost.
- 嚴寒的由霜凍造成的或以霜凍為特點的;嚴寒的
Producing or characterized by frost; freezing.
- 這位冒險家在晚上十二點鐘,冒著攝氏零下30度的嚴寒出發了。
The adventurer started out at midnight in a temperature of 30 below zero
- 我們冒著懷俄明州的嚴寒,天不亮就起床去幹活。
We woke before dawn in the Wyoming) cold to do the chores).