拼音:yáng yáng dé yì 英文解釋:
immensely proud; in alt; tread on air; walk on air中文解釋:
形容神氣十足,非常得意。 宋 朱淑真 《春上亭上觀魚》詩:“春暖 長江 水正清... >>
查看“洋洋得意”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
inalt 2.
jauntiness 例句:
- 由於對自己的成功洋洋得意,她變得粗心了,因而在第二次嘗試時失敗了。
Infatuated with her own success, she grew careless and failed in her next attempt.
- 他因得到勝利而洋洋得意。
He gloried in his victory.
- 自馬爾科姆得到那份他一直非常想得到工作後,他一直洋洋得意。
Malcolm has been walking on air since he was offered that job he has been trying so hard for.
- 他領獎後洋洋得意地回到自己的座位上。
He took his prize and swaggered back to his seat.